How To Get Full Body Images On Midjourney?

There are quite a few methods available that you can use to get full body images on Midjourney. These methods are:

  • Using Compositional Types
  • Anchoring Technique
  • The slope of Influence Technique
  • Adapting Aspect Ratio

Technique 1: Using Compositional Types

Explanation of compositional types

Compositional types refer to the different ways in which elements or components can be combined or organized to create a coherent and visually appealing composition. These types are commonly used in various forms of visual art, design, and photography. Here are explanations of some common compositional types:

  • Symmetrical Composition: Symmetrical compositions are balanced and harmonious. They involve placing elements evenly on either side of an imaginary central axis. This type of composition often creates a sense of stability and order. Examples include mirror-like reflections or identical elements on both sides of the composition.
  • Asymmetrical Composition: Asymmetrical compositions are unbalanced but still visually appealing. They involve arranging elements in a way that creates a sense of equilibrium through the distribution of visual weight. This type of composition can be achieved by combining elements of varying sizes, colors, or textures to create a dynamic and engaging arrangement.
  • Rule of Thirds Composition: The rule of thirds is a compositional guideline that divides the frame into a 3×3 grid, resulting in nine equal parts. The main elements of focus are then positioned along the lines or at the intersections of these gridlines. This type of composition is often used in photography and design to create a visually pleasing and balanced arrangement.
  • Diagonal Composition: Diagonal compositions involve placing key elements diagonally across the frame. This type of composition adds a dynamic and energetic feel to the image or design. Diagonal lines can create a sense of movement, leading the viewer’s eye through the composition and adding visual interest.
  • Framing Composition: Framing compositions involve using elements within the scene to frame the main subject. This can be achieved by incorporating natural or man-made objects, such as arches, windows, or foliage, to create a frame around the subject. Framing compositions help draw attention to the subject and add depth and context to the overall composition.
  • Centralized Composition: Centralized compositions position the main subject or focal point at the center of the frame. This type of composition can create a strong and balanced visual impact, drawing attention directly to the subject. However, it is important to ensure that the surrounding elements support and enhance the central subject to avoid a static or uninteresting composition.

Examples of compositional types to use

When it comes to creating full-body images on Midjourney, there are various compositional types you can use to enhance the overall look of your character portrayal. Here are some examples of these compositional types, which you can incorporate into your prompts:

  • Full-Length Poses: these are poses that show the entire body, from head to toe. They can be static or dynamic, and can be used to showcase a character’s stance, movement, or clothing.
  • Close-Ups: while not a full-body shot, close-ups can be used to highlight specific features, such as the face, hands, or feet. These can add detail and depth to your character portrayal.
  • Wide Shots: these types of shots can be used to show the character in their environment and can add context to the overall scene. They can also showcase the character’s posture or body language.
  • Action Shots: if your character is in motion, action shots can be used to capture the movement and energy of the scene. These shots work well for characters involved in battle scenes or intense physical activity.

By incorporating these compositional types into your prompts, you can create more engaging and visually appealing full-body images on Midjourney. Remember to experiment and combine different types to find the perfect shot for your character portrayal.

Importance of word placement

The importance of word placement cannot be overstated when it comes to generating full-body images on Midjourney. Where you place descriptive words in your prompt greatly affects the outcome of your generated image, making it crucial to craft your prompt carefully. Keep in mind the following tips:

  • Always place your full-body image description at the beginning of your prompt for best results.
  • When describing your character, it is helpful to mention the head and feet to create a balanced and well-proportioned representation of its body.
  • Consider placing your character on a specific surface or in a dynamic pose to create a more dynamic full-body portrayal.
  • Use the appropriate aspect ratio, such as 1:2 or 4:5, to enhance your generated image’s vertical extension and increase the chances of producing a full-body character portrayal. Remember to modify the aspect ratio in your prompt code accordingly.

Technique 2: Anchoring

Explanation of anchoring

Anchoring is a technique that helps ensure that the full body image you want gets generated accurately. By mentioning the bits of the body that might fall out of frame, it obliges Midjourney to stay on track and obey your prompt. You can anchor your description by mentioning clothes or accessories details that suggest the full body shot, such as shoes, pants, belts, or hats.

Adding familiar dynamic poses, like standing or walking, also helps anchor the image and provides a natural and balanced posture. It’s important to avoid words that suggest ‘head and shoulders’ framing, like close-up, portrait, or facial features. By placing the full-body shot early in your prompt, near the start of the sentence, you ensure it’s anchored.

Using familiar dynamic poses

When trying to generate full body images on Midjourney, using familiar dynamic poses can be a powerful tool. By referencing common poses such as standing, walking, or running, the AI model can more accurately interpret the desired full-body composition. Here are some examples:

  • Action Poses: Midjourney can generate full-body images of individuals performing dynamic actions such as running, jumping, dancing, or playing sports. These poses can be used for various purposes, including animation, game development, or visual storytelling.
  • Martial Arts Poses: Midjourney can create full-body images depicting martial arts poses like punches, kicks, or defensive stances. These images can be used for martial arts training materials, character design in games, or instructional content.
  • Dance Poses: Midjourney can generate full-body images showcasing different dance poses from various genres such as ballet, hip-hop, contemporary, or salsa. These images can be utilized in dance tutorials, promotional materials, or artistic projects.
  • Yoga Poses: Midjourney can create full-body images illustrating different yoga poses, including asanas like Tree Pose, Warrior Pose, or Downward-Facing Dog. These images can be used in yoga apps, fitness guides, or wellness publications.
  • Gymnastics Poses: Midjourney can generate full-body images capturing dynamic gymnastics poses like handstands, splits, or flips. These images can be employed in gymnastics training resources, sports magazines, or artistic representations.
  • Fashion Poses: Midjourney can produce full-body images displaying fashion model poses such as walking, posing, or showcasing clothing and accessories. These images can be utilized in fashion catalogs, e-commerce websites, or clothing brand promotions.

Avoiding head and shoulders framing

To create captivating full-body images on Midjourney, it’s important to avoid the common pitfall of head and shoulders framing. Here are some techniques to consider:

  • Use dynamic poses that extend the body vertically, such as standing on a platform or in water, or striking an action pose.
  • Avoid words that suggest a focus on the head or upper body, like “face,” “portrait,” or “shoulders.”
  • Instead, anchor the scene with details like shoes or environment that can help guide the AI model to draw the full body.
  • Consider adjusting the aspect ratio to a more vertically extended format, like 2:3, to enhance the chances of generating full-body portrayals.

With these techniques in mind, you’ll be able to consistently generate full-body characters that showcase Midjourney’s AI art generation capabilities.

Technique 3: Slope of Influence

Explanation of slope of influence

The slope of influence is a concept that affects the results we get when generating full-body images in Midjourney. It refers to the degree of control we have over the AI model’s output as we progress through the prompt. The slope of influence determines how much our directives are followed as we move further down the prompt.

The more detail we provide early on, the more likely it is that the AI will produce a full-bodied character portrayal according to our expectations. Remember, the slope of influence is affected by word placement and the compositional types we choose. Start with a strong pose and vivid description, and the slope of influence will work in your favor.

Technique 4: Adapting Aspect Ratio

Choosing the right aspect ratio for full-body images

When it comes to creating full-body images on Midjourney, choosing the right aspect ratio is crucial for achieving the desired composition and shape.

  • The default aspect ratio on Midjourney is 1:1, resulting in a square composition.
  • However, users can modify the aspect ratio by adding a parameter at the end of their prompt.
  • It’s recommended to experiment with different ratios, such as 1:2, 4:5, 2:3, and 4:7, to find the one that best suits their artistic vision.
  • Keep in mind that some aspect ratios may be experimental and could produce unpredictable results.
  • When choosing an aspect ratio, select whole numbers, and be aware that final outputs may be slightly modified during image generation or upscaling.

How to modify aspect ratio in Midjourney

To modify the aspect ratio in Midjourney, follow these easy steps:

  • First, decide on the aspect ratio you want to use for your generated image. Remember that the aspect ratio affects the composition and shape of the final image.
  • Add the aspect ratio parameter to your prompt. Use the format “-ar width:height”, where “width” and “height” are expressed as whole numbers.
  • Run the prompt through Midjourney as usual. The generated image will now have the aspect ratio you specified.
  • If you want to upscale the image using the Max Upscale option, keep in mind that the aspect ratio parameter will be normalized during processing. For example, “-ar 3:2” will become “-ar 1920:1280” if you use the Max Upscale option.
  • Finally, if the aspect ratio you want to use is not supported, Midjourney will choose the closest one so that your results look as similar as possible.

By modifying the aspect ratio in Midjourney, you can create images with different compositions and shapes that suit your needs. Try experimenting with different aspect ratios and see how it affects your generated images

Importance of full-body images on Midjourney

Full-body images are an important element in Midjourney. They bring the characters to life and make them more relatable to the audience. Here are a few reasons why full-body images are crucial in Midjourney:

  • They add depth to the characters and help convey their personalities and emotions.
  • Compositional types can be used to create a sense of movement or action, making the characters more dynamic and interesting.
  • Anchoring and using familiar dynamic poses can help ground the characters in their environment and make them feel more real.
  • Avoiding head and shoulders framing enables the audience to see the entire character, providing valuable information about their physical appearance.

By using techniques such as aspect ratio modification and appropriate word placement, artists can generate full-body images that accurately reflect their artistic vision. These techniques enable artists to fully utilize the AI art generation capabilities of Midjourney and create characters that are more engaging and compelling for their audience.


To, there are several techniques that you can use to get full-body images on Midjourney. First and foremost, it’s important to understand the different compositional types that you can use and how to place your words effectively. Anchoring your prompt with familiar dynamic poses and avoiding head and shoulders framing can also be helpful. The slope of influence and aspect ratio are additional factors to consider when generating full-body images. Choosing the right aspect ratio and modifying it as necessary can be of great help.


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