The Complete Guide to Writing Midjourney Prompts

Are you a fan of Midjourney’s image generator but struggle to get the results you want? The key may lie in crafting effective prompts. Whether you’re utilizing text prompts, image prompts, or multi-prompts, the specificity of your language can greatly impact the quality of your generated images. But don’t worry, we’ve got you covered with The Complete Guide to Writing Midjourney Prompts. From outlining to enhancing with style and keywords, we’ll provide you with all the tips and tricks you need to create amazing images. Let’s get started!

Tips for writing effective prompts on MidJourney


  • Be clear and specific about the object, person, or concept you want to generate an image for.
  • Use supporting keywords to help Midjourney recognize particular styles or genres you want your image to resemble.
  • Avoid using technical or jargon-filled language in your prompts to ensure they’re easily understood by the AI.
  • Incorporate descriptive language into your prompts to provide additional context or details.
  • Opt for more specific synonyms in your prompts to get more accurate results.
  • Consider adding numbers or using collective nouns to provide further clarification.
  • Be mindful of the length of your prompts; too short and Midjourney will rely heavily on its default style, too long and it may struggle to interpret your meaning.
  • Use commas or brackets to help organize your prompts, but know that Midjourney may not reliably interpret them.
  • Think about factors like lighting, location, and perspective to give Midjourney a better idea of what you’re looking for.

Remember that Midjourney cannot understand grammar, sentence structure, or capitalization, so use simple language and avoid negative phrasing.

Descriptive language

  • Use specific language to describe what you want. Instead of saying “a bird”, try “a red cardinal perched on a tree branch”.
  • Choose descriptive adjectives to enhance your prompt. For example, “a majestic mountain range covered in a blanket of mist” paints a much clearer picture than simply “mountains”.
  • Keep your prompts concise and to the point. Avoid using unnecessary words or excessive detail.
  • Utilize sensory language to engage the reader’s imagination. Words like “crisp”, “fuzzy”, or “fragrant” can help create a more vivid mental image.
  • Avoid technical jargon or overly complex language that could confuse the reader or the AI generating the image.
  • Experiment with different variations of your prompt to see what kind of images you can create. Don’t be afraid to refine and revise your wording until you get the desired result.
  • Remember that Midjourney is an AI program and not a human, so don’t expect it to understand colloquialisms or abstract concepts that aren’t clearly defined in your prompt.

Including details

Including details in your Midjourney prompts is crucial to getting the precise image you want. Here are some tips for including details in a natural way:

  • Use descriptive adjectives to clearly convey your vision.
  • Mention specific colors that you want in the image.
  • Think about the location and setting you want the image to depict.
  • Consider the time of day or lighting in the image.
  • Add specific objects or elements you want to be included in the image.

By including these details in your prompts, Midjourney will be better equipped to generate the exact image you have in mind. Happy prompt crafting!

Using ambiguous language

  • Keep it simple: Less is more when it comes to ambiguity. Stick to a few key words or phrases that can be interpreted in multiple ways.
  • Use synonyms: Instead of being too specific with your language, try using synonyms that give Midjourney more room to create unique images.
  • Embrace randomness: Don’t be afraid to leave some details up to chance. Embracing randomness can lead to unexpected and creative outcomes.
  • Think outside the box: Use imagery that is unconventional or unexpected. This can help inspire Midjourney to create images that are truly unique.
  • Add context: While being ambiguous is important, providing some context can also be helpful. Including keywords like “surreal” or “dream-like” can help guide Midjourney in the right direction while still leaving room for interpretation.

Avoiding technical language

When it comes to writing Midjourney prompts, it’s important to avoid technical language. While you may be an expert in your field, Midjourney is not. Stick to simple language that accurately conveys what you want to generate. Use direct language and avoid complicated terminology that may confuse the AI.

Remember that Midjourney is a trained system that relies on the prompts you provide to generate images. Focusing on clear and concise language will help ensure that your prompts are understood and that you receive an image that meets your expectations. So, keep it simple and let Midjourney do the rest!

Trying different prompt variations

Writing Midjourney prompts can be a fun and creative way to generate unique and stunning images. However, sometimes it can be challenging to come up with the perfect prompt to get the image you desire. That’s where trying different prompt variations comes in. By experimenting with different phrases, keywords, and styles, you can unlock even more possibilities with Midjourney. Here are some ideas to try:

  • Use specific numbers instead of plural words
  • Mention the name of an artist or genre
  • Add an image URL to influence the style
  • Try using emojis.

Don’t be afraid to mix and match different variations until you find the perfect prompt for your image.

Using multi-prompts for complex images

  • Using multi-prompts for complex images is a great strategy to get the exact image you want.
  • It involves breaking down your desired image into smaller parts and creating prompts for each one.
  • For example, if you want an image of a colorful hot air balloon in a scenic landscape, you can break it down into prompts like “colorful hot air balloon,” “scenic landscape,” and “vibrant colors.”
  • By using these prompts together, you can create a more complex and detailed image.
  • This technique is especially useful for artists or businesses who want to create unique and custom images for their content.

Importance of effective prompts

  • Effective prompts are essential to generating quality images that accurately represent your ideas and concepts.
  • Well-crafted prompts can help bring your imagination to life. Whether you’re a novice or a seasoned professional, the key to creating the perfect prompt lies in specificity, descriptive language, attention to detail, and the avoidance of technical jargon.
  • Always try different variations of prompt styles to enhance the creative output of your images and understand how parameters (such as aspect ratios, models, and upscalers) can impact your final results.
  • Remember to use supporting keywords in your prompts to facilitate the type of style and content you’re looking for, such as artist names, design genres, rendering properties, and more.

Above all, don’t forget–a well-written prompt is a powerful tool that can help you unlock the full potential of Midjourney, producing amazing and unique images that truly capture your vision.

Types of Midjourney prompts

Text prompts

  • Start with a clear idea: Before you start writing a text prompt for Midjourney, have a clear idea of what you want the image to look like. The more specific you are, the better.
  • Be descriptive: Use descriptive language when writing your prompt. This helps to create a clear mental image for the AI to work with.
  • Include details: Don’t be afraid to include details in your prompt. The more information you provide, the more likely you are to get the image you’re looking for.
  • Use ambiguous language: Sometimes using ambiguous language can be helpful. It allows for more creativity and can result in unexpected but interesting images.
  • Avoid technical language: Midjourney works best with natural language, so avoid using technical jargon or complicated terminology.
  • Try different prompt variations: If you’re not getting the results you want, try different prompt variations until you find the right combination.
  • Use multi-prompts for complex images: For complex images, use multiple prompts to provide different elements of the image, such as color, style, and composition.

Image prompts

Are you tired of using the same old stock photos in your content? It’s time to spice things up with image prompts! These prompts are a great way to generate unique, high-quality images that perfectly represent your brand or message. With AI tools like Midjourney, all you have to do is write a descriptive prompt and the software will do the rest.

Use words like “surreal,” “crisp,” or “vibrant” to guide the image creation process. Experiment with different styles and techniques until you find the perfect image to enhance your content. Say goodbye to boring images and hello to stunning visuals!


Multi-prompts combine text and image prompts to generate images that correspond to both types of input. It involves providing multiple prompts or input examples to a model during training or inference to guide its responses. Some advantages of multi-prompts are:

  • Combine different styles: By using multi-prompts, you can blend different styles together to create a truly unique image. Try combining prompts for surrealism and minimalism to see what you can come up with.
  • Add more details: Multi-prompts allow you to provide more descriptive language, which can lead to more detailed and realistic images. Use prompts that specify the texture, lighting, and other details you want in your image.
  • Create a series of images: With multi-prompts, you can create a series of related images that tell a story or convey a message. Use prompts that build on each other to create a narrative arc.
  • Explore different perspectives: Use multi-prompts to explore different perspectives on a subject. Combine prompts for a close-up shot and an aerial view to give viewers a new way of looking at your subject.
  • Experiment with different variations: Multi-prompts offer endless opportunities for experimentation. Try using different variations of a single prompt to see how Midjourney interprets them. Combine prompts for different colors, textures, and other variables to see what works best.


In conclusion, writing effective Midjourney prompts is crucial for generating high-quality and realistic-looking images. With the help of AI image-generation tools like Midjourney, anyone can create stunning visuals without the need for drawing or painting skills. The key is to have imagination skills and the ability to write precise and descriptive prompts.


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Open one of your favorite AI Tools, then open PromptsHeaven (PH), pick one of the prompts from PH and insert it into your AI Tool and start working on the result. No more wasting time & money to figure out what to do next!

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